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Talent idea


Talent Philosophy

talent idea

All talents from everywhere will be welcomed by us as long as they are helpful to us. Newchoice hunts for, cultivates and stores “talents”. We will give chances to qualified talents, platforms to potential talents, and space to excellent talents. Newchoice creates a wide stage for the growth and success of all talents.

Salary and Welfare


Working hours:

Five day and eight hours, with two resting days on the weekends


Five insurances and team accident insurance

Paid welfare:

Legal holidays, marriage leave and maternity leave, etc.


Birthday allowance, working age allowance, marriage gift cash, summer allowance and holiday allowance


Housing fund, and free accommodation


Free buffet lunch


Free physical check

Other welfare:

Travel, gathering and parties


Competitive salary in the industry, year-end bonus, and two monthly pays at the end of the year

Commuting bus:

Bus between Quangang-Quanzhou every day, Quangang-Xiamen on every Wednesday and Friday

神农架林区| 龙门县| 寻甸| 普兰县| 常宁市| 东辽县| 湟源县| 永城市| 新乐市| 自贡市| 郧西县| 竹北市| 太仓市| 美姑县| 铁力市| 汶川县| 扬中市| 江永县| 柯坪县| 巴彦淖尔市| 屯昌县| 东乡族自治县| 洞头县| 上思县| 江达县| 伊吾县| 锡林郭勒盟| 修武县| 平乐县| 宁南县| 临沧市| 巩留县| 晋中市| 财经| 五常市| 巴林左旗| 同江市| 凉城县| 平遥县| 宝坻区| 天柱县|