伊人久久大香线亚洲人_亚洲男人的天堂 aⅴ无码_日韩国产精品欧美尤物一区二区_天天躁日日躁狠狠久久

High density polyethylene (HDPE) winding structure wall tube.

Performance Advantages

Super corrosion resistance, good hydraulic characteristics, and more than 50 years of service life Up to DN4000mm diameter, ring stiffness up to 20KN/ square meters, the seismic fortification intensity of 9 degrees Easy connection, light weight, low construction cost and zero leakage of pipeline system

Application Areas

Rainwater collection, nuclear power plant, urban infrastructure, port drainage and other kinds of drainage projects

Steel skeleton polyethylene (PE) plastic composite pipe.

Performance Advantages

Original anticorrosive and pressure resistant pipes in China High temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, double environmental health, more than 50 years of service life Creep resistance, impact resistance, rapid cracking resistance, small coefficient of thermal expansion, good self tracer and convenient construction

Application Areas

Water, gas and mine

Green safety PE solid wall tube

Performance Advantages

It is suitable for nuclear power, thermal power, gas, water supply and other fields Homogenization of raw materials, 100%HDPE mixed ingredients Advanced equipment, "Barton Cincinnati" international top technical equipment High pressure capacity, the wall thickness of SDR7, the corresponding pressure level of 2.5Mpa, the size of the same whole

Application Areas

Water system, gas, water supply and drainage in the field of nuclear power

Continuous winding fiberglass reinforced tube

Performance Advantages

Safety, large caliber, pressure tube Super strong anticorrosion, rigid and flexible, customized design High strength, pressure up to 6.4MPa Good hydraulic characteristics More than 50 years of service life whole

Application Areas

Water supply, drainage, long distance water diversion project

Green safety PE solid wall tube

Performance Advantages

It is suitable for nuclear power, thermal power, gas, water supply and other fields Homogenization of raw materials, 100%HDPE mixed ingredients Advanced equipment, "Barton Cincinnati" international top technical equipment High pressure capacity, the wall thickness of SDR7, the corresponding pressure level of 2.5Mpa, the size of the same whole

Application Areas

Water system, gas, water supply and drainage in the field of nuclear power

理塘县| 通山县| 平谷区| 温州市| 陕西省| 万山特区| 西青区| 新晃| 梁河县| 芦山县| 资兴市| 蓬莱市| 甘南县| 桐乡市| 宽城| 永福县| 陆河县| 伊金霍洛旗| 永春县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 离岛区| 北碚区| 太谷县| 开远市| 招远市| 琼中| 上杭县| 宜君县| 靖宇县| 富源县| 铜山县| 鹤庆县| 苏尼特右旗| 南部县| 南和县| 汨罗市| 时尚| 同江市| 东安县| 冕宁县| 合作市|