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Newchoice Pipe
New Energy Automobile

Power assembly system for new energy automobile

Green travel with whole series products

Core advantages

It can satisfy the different demands of customers by providing passenger cars, buses and cargo vans with power assembly solutions of electric power, hybrid power and supporting core technologies

DAT automatic transmission

Climbing has never been so easy

Core advantages

Faster to shift gears, with a higher efficiency, a strong climbing performance, more cost-saving, more reliable Its climbing performance is 30% higher than the direct-driving system, but reduces the power consumption by 15-30%.

Electric car battery series

The globally exclusive super lithium manganate technology works for you

Core advantages

With a super performance, it has a service life of 2,000 cycles, so it can guarantee a travel distance of 200,000 km in 5 years or 120,000 km in 8 years.Super cost-saving, it can realize a cost of lithium ion battery of 0.8 Yuan/Wh by 2020.With a super second life, after the battery is recycled and renovated with unique technology, it can realize 1,500 cycles and preserve 80% of the power.

AEBS control system (automatic driving + intelligent energy saving)

Experience the future travel mode

Core advantages

Emergency pre-warning, active safety, intelligent energy saving, reducing power consumption by 10%

马尔康县| 通许县| 镇宁| 广平县| 阿克| 福泉市| 新化县| 太谷县| 宝鸡市| 孝感市| 沛县| 馆陶县| 酒泉市| 邵阳县| 黑河市| 军事| 即墨市| 昔阳县| 浠水县| 长岭县| 黄梅县| 琼结县| 巨鹿县| 灵川县| 玉门市| 博客| 宁阳县| 合山市| 民乐县| 肃宁县| 枣阳市| 康乐县| 海淀区| 龙井市| 屯昌县| 云南省| 博乐市| 外汇| 琼中| 囊谦县| 定边县|